Director, Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program
- Feedback control systems analysis and design
- Modeling, identification and control;
- Systems model reduction and system filtering/estimation;
- Robust and nonlinear control;
- System optimization and optimal Control;
- Design integration for engineering dynamical systems;
- Applications in mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, and energy systems
Fellow American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2020)
University of Houston Career Award (2020)
UH Cullen College of Engineering Lifetime Teaching Award (2020)
University Excellence in Research and Scholarship Award (2017)
John and Rebecca Moores Professorship (2016)
W. T. Kittinger Outstanding Teaching Award (2013)
Fluor Corporation Faculty Excellence Award (2013)
W. T. Kittinger Outstanding Teaching Award (2003)
ENRON University Teaching Excellence Award (1998)
Editorial Board 10th International Federation of Automatic Control Symposium in Robust Control Design (2023)
Editorial Board International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (2021)
University Space Research Association Scholarship Awards Committee (2020-pres)
Panelist National Science Foundation Review Panel (multiple years)
Editorial Board International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop on Linear Parameter Varying Systems (2019)
Co-Chair International Federation of Automatic Control Workshop on Robust Control Design (2018)
IEEE Control Systems Society Conference on Decision and Control Program Committee (2016-pres.)
University Space Research Association Council Representative (2016-pres.)
Director, NASA Inflatable Deployable Environments and Adaptive Space Systems (IDEAS2) Center at Univ. of Houston
Director of NSF STEM Center at UH Accelerated B.S. to Graduate Program in Engineering (2008-2014)
Director of DoE Center on Clean Engine Technology (2010-2015)
Director of Texas Workforce Commission Aerospace Workforce Innovation Network (2007-2011)
Interim Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering at UH (Dec 2023-pres)
Director of the Aerospace Engineering Graduate Program at UH (2012-pres): Responsible for program management and program accreditation, student recruitment, and advising. The program has tripled in size in the past ten years.
Chair of Research and Scholarship Committee (2020-2022)
Chair of IEEE Diagnostics and Prognostics Committee (2016-2018)
Selected Publications
- Chebbi, A., Grigoriadis, K., Franchek, M., and Cescon, M., “Substrate temperature estimation and control in advanced MOCVD process for superconductor manufacturing,” Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 133, pages 273–285, 2024.
- Feng, Z., Cao, G., Grigoriadis, K., and Pan, Q., “Spatial‐temporal security stability analysis and regulation against different types of attacks on industrial control systems,” Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control Vol. 33, No 18, pp. 11392-11410, 2023
- Tasoujian, S, Franchek, M., and Grigoriadis, K., “An Improved Integral Inequality for Gain-Scheduled LPV Control,” Frontiers in Control Engineering, Vol. 5., 2022 (invited).
- Cao, G., Grigoriadis, K., Liu, P., “Control synthesis of reaction-diffusion systems with varying parameters and varying delays,” Int. J. Systems Science, Vol 53, 122-134, 2021
- Salavati, S., Grigoriadis, K., Franchek, M, “Reciprocal convex approach to output-feedback control of uncertain LPV systems with actuator saturation constraints,” International J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 29 No. 16, pp. 5744-5764, 2021.
- Mnasri, H., Meziou, A., Franchek, M., Loh, W.M., Wan, T.T., Tam, N.D., Wassar, T., Tang, Y., Grigoriadis, K., “Low Pressure Experimental Validation of Low-Dimensional Analytical Model for Air–Water Two-Phase Transient Flow,” Fluids, Vol. 6., No. 6., 2020
- Salavati, S., Grigoriadis, K., Franchek, M, “Reciprocal convex approach to output‐feedback control of uncertain LPV systems with fast‐varying input delay,” International J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 29 No. 16, pp. 5744-576.4, 2019.
- Gabriel, G.W., Geromel, J.C., and Grigoriadis, K, “Optimal H∞ State Feedback Sampled-data Control Design for Markov Jump Linear Systems", Int. J. Control, Vol. 97, No. 7, pp.1609-1619, Mar. 2018
- Salavati, S., Grigoriadis, K., Franchek, M., and Tafreshi, R., “Full- and Reduced-Order Fault Detection Filtering,” ASME Trans. Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 141, No.2, pp. 1-12, Aug. 2018
Books / Book Chapters
- Mohammadpour, J. and Grigoriadis, K. (eds), Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems, Springer-Verlag, 2010.
- Kapila, V., and Grigoriadis, K. (eds), Actuator Saturation Control, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2003.
- Skelton, R., E., Iwasaki, T., and Grigoriadis, K., A Unified Algebraic Approach to Control Design, Taylor & Francis, 1998.