At UH Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, faculty is committed to transformative, multidisciplinary research that pushes the limits of engineering with impactful, life-changing innovations. Utilizing federal and industry support and aided by UH's vast physical and computational infrastructure, they conduct fundamental and applied research in the areas of energy, sustainability, robotics, intelligent systems, data science, advanced manufacturing, semi-conductors, water, solid and bio-mechanics.
Research Excellence
Energy and sustainability research serves as a guiding light in our pursuit of a more resilient and harmonious future. Fundamentally, this field aims…
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The latest advances in artificial intelligence and computing are enabling systems in our built environment to become progressively more autonomous.…
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The discovery and development of advanced materials and new functional devices have been a precursor of new technology development in various real-…
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How solids or materials behave under external stimuli, such as mechanical forces, temperature, and electromagnetic fields, is foundational to the…
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Please see the listing of Laboratories and Facilities to learn more about the specific research activities in these areas.