Nine hours of elective courses at the 6000-level or above from a list of approved courses in the College of Engineering, the College of Natural Science and Mathematics, the Bauer College of Business, and the UH Law Center, with no more than three hours from one academic unit (department or program). Three hours can be satisfied by completing the directed-study Graduate Project course, MECE 6368. A statement of the intent of the directed study must be approved by petition to the Graduate Director prior to registration in MECE 6368. A report describing the results of the project must be filed with, and archived by, the instructor at the end of the course.
College of Engineering
- BIOE 6301 Statistical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
- BIOE 6345 Biomedical Informatics
- BIOE 6347 Introduction to Optical Sensing and Biophotonics
- CHEE 6300 Physics & Chem Engr Material
- CHEE 6333 Transport Processes
- CHEE 6335 Classical-Statist Thermo
- CHEE 6368 Chemical Process Economics I
- CHEE 6390 Energy and the Environment
- CIVE 6320 Constitutive Modeling of Matls
- CIVE 6337 Matrix Anly of Structrs
- ECE 6302 Introductn to Neuroengineering
- ECE 6305 Power Electronics Converters and Control
- ECE 6311 Introduction to Robotics
- ECE 6314 Nanoscale Design & Fabrication
- ECE 6321 Principles of Internetworking
- ECE 6325 State-Space Control Systems
- ECE 6331 Advanced Telecommunications
- ECE 6342 Digital Signal Process
- ECE 6351 Microwave Engineering
- INDE 6333 Probability Stat for Engineers
- INDE 6364 Experimental Design and Regression
- INDE 6372 Advanced Linear Optimization
College of Natural Science and Mathematics
- BIOL 6320 Molecular Biology
- BIOL 6374 Cell Biology
- BIOL 6410 Applied Biostatistics
- CHEM 6311 Mechanisms
- CHEM 6313 Thermodynamics & Kinects
- CHEM 6321 Quantum Chemistry
- CHEM 6377 Solid State Chemistry
- COSC 6320 Data Structures & Algorithms
- COSC 6342 Machine Learning
- COSC 6360 Operating Systems
- COSC 6365 Intro High-Performance Comput
- GEOL 6324 Satellite Positioning & Geodesy
- GEOL 6325 Remote Sensing
- GEOL 6391 Introduction to Geophysics
- MATH 6302 Modern Algebra
- MATH 6312 Introduction to Real Analysis
- MATH 6320 Func Real Variable
- MATH 6342 Topology
- MATH 6360 Applicable Analysis
- MATH 6366 Optimization Theory
- MATH 6370 Numerical Analysis
- MATH 6382 Probability Statistics
- PHYS 6309 Advanced Mechanics I
- PHYS 6315 Quantum Mechanics I
- PHYS 6328 Advanced Statistical Mechanics
Bauer College of Business
- BZAN 6310 Quantitative Analysis for Business
- BZAN 6320 Foundations for Business Analytics
- BZAN 6355 Advanced Programming-Big Data Analytics
- MIS 6341 Information Systems
UH Law Center
- LAW 6302 Foreign Relations Law
- LAW 6308 Communication Law
- LAW 6321 Professional Responsibility
- LAW 6347 Secured Financing
- LAW 6362 Natural Resources Law
- LAW 6365 The U.S. Health System: An Introduction to Managed Care, Transactions, and Policy
- LAW 6395 Race and the Law