Wheelchair Hill Assist Device
SMA Actuated Safety Vent for Lithium-ion Battery Pack
Drip Pan Sliding Mechanism
Modified Crop Duster Delivery System
SLB Compact Polymer Spring Compression Test
Retractable Arm Prosthetic
FSAE Exhaust System
Novel Wheel Lifting Device
Waterproof Wheelchair Motor
Dye Penetrant Arm Attachments for a BIKE Robot
Centralized AC Vents for Temperature Control
Regenerative Braking System for a Non-Electric Bicycle
FSAE Optimization of an Upright Assembly for Formula Race Car
Subsea Hydraulic Manifold Proposal
Body Hydration Sensor
Foldable Ice Axe
Battery Testing Chamber
Water Container Transportation Device
Optimizing Large Commercial Bolt Monitoring Methods
Modification of the Multi-Spindle to Address the Unequal Tightening Among Vehicle Lug Nuts
Overspeed Trip Test System
Cool Solar Panel
Pressure Testing Downstream of Non-Reclosing Pressure Relief Devices
Pipe Nipple Installation Machine (PNIM)