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The Engineering Alumni Association and the Cullen College of Engineering will celebrate five distinguished award winners at the 2023 Engineering Alumni Awards Gala. This year's event will be held Thursday, June 8 in the Magnolia…
EAA honoring five at 2023 Awards Gala
When Jacob Thomas first came to the University of Houston’s Technology Bridge in 2016, he knew it was the perfect incubator space to grow his company, Alchemy Sciences. The excellent support infrastructure enabled the fledgling…
Innovation, New Business Incubating at UH’s Technology Bridge
Extreme environments in several critical industries – aerospace, energy, transportation and defense – require sensors to measure and monitor numerous factors under harsh conditions to ensure human safety and integrity of…
Researchers Develop Sensors that Operate at High Temperatures, in Extreme Environments
Nathaly Andrea Castaneda Quintero had a successful career in the oil and gas industry for several years after getting her bachelor's degree from the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia in 2014, but she knew…
Doctoral student Quintero wins CCA Poster Competition
The Cullen College of Engineering recognized 15 members of the faculty, staff and students at its 2022-23 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards, held during the Faculty-Staff Meeting on May 2. A full photo gallery can be found on…
Cullen honors 15 at 2022-23 Faculty and Staff Excellence Awards
A University of Houston research team, the Selva Research Group, is one of seven teams that advanced to the final stage of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Conductivity-enhanced materials for Affordable, Breakthrough Leapfrog…
Selva Research Group's Breakthrough ‘Super Cool Conductor’ Advances to Final Round of DOE Competition
More than 100 international scientists and engineers converged at the Hilton University of Houston from April 3 through April 6 to attend the biennial Coated Conductors for Applications International Workshop (CCA 2023). For a…
Leading U.S., International Researchers Meet at UH for CCA 2023
Professor Xingpeng Li Recognized as ‘Emerging Leader’ for Contributions to Offshore Power Systems and Security University of Houston energy experts will be front and center at the 2023 Offshore Technology Conference on May 1–4.…
UH Energy Experts to Share Insight and Knowledge at OTC 2023
The University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering has improved two spots, to 69th overall of U.S. Engineering schools, in the latest yearly rankings by the U.S. News & World Report. Excluding private colleges and…
Cullen improves marks in latest U.S. News Grad School rankings
The Cullen College of Engineering offers its congratulations to the 16 students who have been named Outstanding Juniors and Seniors for the 2022-23 academic year. Students are nominated by professors, with one junior and one…
Cullen recognizes 16 Outstanding Juniors and Seniors for 2022-23
Jun Mao, a former Postdoctoral Fellow and Ph.D. graduate at the Texas Center for Superconductivity, was selected by an international panel for the MIT Technology Review's 35 Under 35 (China) award. The prestigious designation in…
Former UH Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. Selected for MIT Technology Review: 35 Under 35 China Award
The University of Houston's Engineering Alumni Association honored 42 different students with more than $21,000 in scholarships at the 2023 Engineer's Week Program, hosted in February Daniel Herrera, an Electrical Engineering…
More than 40 students honored at EAA celebration
Yashashree Kulkarni, Bill D. Cook Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has earned the prestigious BRITE award for about $410,000 from the National Science Foundation, as well as another $266,000 grant for collaborative research.…
ME's Kulkarni receives $675k from pair of NSF awards
Juggling assignments and managing responsibilities isn't anything new for Jakob Lee, the Outstanding Junior at the Cullen College of Engineering for 2022-23. After all, you learn a thing or two about schedule and personality…
2023 Outstanding Junior - ME's Lee balances business, academics
Haleh Ardebili, the Bill D. Cook Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the Cullen College of Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program, has been named a Fellow of the Society of Engineering Science (…
ME's Ardebili named SES Fellow
Nearly 60 UH Professors and Instructors Recognized During Pinning Ceremony Each day, University of Houston faculty prepare students for the road ahead. That journey may lead to careers or graduate school. No matter the…
Cullen Faculty Complete Effective College Instruction Certificates
From the moment he saw his first rocket up close, Akihiko “Aki” Hoshide knew he wanted to be an astronaut. But his journey to outer space was far from typical, and it might not have happened at all without an unexpected, three-…
 ME Alum, Astronaut Hoshide Makes Mark in Space
Hadi Ghasemi, Cullen Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, has earned another significant, six-figure award to expand his research into cooling the high-temperature and hot-burning machines that now power modern life.…
ME's Ghasemi receives $500k award from Office of Naval Research
Picture a tall stately grandfather clock, its long pendulum swinging back and forth, over and again, keeping rhythm with the time. Scientists can describe that motion with an equation, or dynamical model, and though there are…
ME's Floryan Finding Simplicity Within Complexity
Thomas Edison once said, “So long as the sun shines, man will be able to develop power in abundance.” His wasn’t the first great mind to marvel at the notion of harnessing the power of the sun; for centuries inventors have been…
ME Professor, Student's Solar Harvesting System has Potential to Generate Power 24/7