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The American Society of Mechanics Engineers (ASME) announced that Professor Pradeep Sharma has taken over as the 8th editor-in-chief of one of its flagship journals, Journal of Applied Mechanics. The journal, as part of its…
Pradeep Sharma tabbed for the new Editor-in-Chief of ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics
The University of Houston's wing of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers has earned a National Chapter of the Year for 2021-22 from the national leadership of the group. According to award criteria, National Chapter…
SHPE-UH honored with National Chapter of the Year award
A University of Houston Mechanical Engineering professor has developed a sprayable ice-shedding material that is 100 times stronger than any others. The new durable coating material has been tested by Boeing under erosive rain…
ME professor develops New Ice-Shedding Coating 100X Stronger than Others
The Cullen College of Engineering is happy to announce 12 hirings in a variety of departments and roles for the 2022-23 academic year. Unless otherwise noted, all start dates are Sept. 1. Personnel is sorted alphabetically by…
Cullen adds 13 professionals to its ranks
A group of Cullen College of Engineering students has taken home a third place finish in the Third Annual Battle of the Classes, an entrepreneurship contest held by the Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship at the…
Cullen students take third at Battle of the Classes
Two professors from the Cullen College of Engineering have been honored with election to the Fellow grade of membership for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The professors chosen for the 2022 class are…
Two Engineering professors honored as ASME Fellows
A paper from the research group of Jae-Hyun Ryou, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, was chosen for the cover of Crystal Growth & Design earlier this year. “Thermodynamic Analysis of Hybrid Chemical Vapor…
Crystal Growth & Design picks Ryou research group work for cover
The Cullen College of Engineering is happy to announce that the following eight members of the faculty have been promoted for the 2022-23 academic year. All promotions take effect as of Sept. 1, 2022. This listing is alphabetical…
Cullen announces 8 promotions for Fall 2022
The University of Houston System and NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) are expanding a longtime partnership to work collaboratively on joint research, technology development, technology transfer, training and educational and…
UH System Partners with NASA to Help 'Advance Human Spaceflight'
The following student experience was written by Juan Ramirez, a Mechanical Engineering senior – and now graduate! – of the Cullen College of Engineering. If you have an account you'd like to share about your educational journey,…
Ramirez describes path from Bogota to UH to Tesla
The Cullen College of Engineering and Dr. Joseph W. Tedesco, Ph.D., P.E., the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Endowed Chair and Dean, are pleased to share the 2021-22 Faculty and Student Excellence Award winners. The initial announcement…
Cullen recognizes efforts of faculty, students with 2021-22 Excellence Awards
The graduate level programs Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering improved the most year-to-year, according to the latest rankings edition of U.S. News…
ME, IE grad programs improve in latest U.S. News & World Report rankings
A new study led by University of Houston students and their professor identifies the 10 most accident-prone neighborhood intersections in Harris County. Collisions in these areas have nearly doubled in the post-COVID lockdown…
ME Study Identifies 10 Most Dangerous Neighborhood Intersections in Harris County
As part of the Cullen College of Engineering's continuing effort to support its students and alumni, members of the Mechanical Engineering Department have successfully restarted a program to offer refresher workshops for…
Licensure exam refresher courses for ME receives good turnout
The Engineering Alumni Association (EAA) hosted another successful event on Feb. 22, as the 2022 Engineers Week Awards program recognized 50 students for their accomplishments. Since 2004, the EAA and industry donors have come…
EAA recognizes 50 students for academic achievements, leadership
For many academics, there can be a disconnect between the fundamental research being done and the commercial applications of that research. But for Hadi Ghasemi, Ph.D., Cullen Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, he…
Ghasemi clears path to NAI Senior Member status
UH Mechanical Engineer Elected to National Academy of Engineering For actors, there are Oscars. Singers have Grammys. And for engineers? The highest award, the most coveted lifetime honor, is election into the National Academy of…
Mechanical Engineer Sharma Elected to National Academy of Engineering
Reflecting the organization's commitment to the community, the Dow Promise Program has awarded a $10,000 grant to the University of Houston branch of the National Society of Black Engineers, to partner with the Blodgett Urban…
UH NSBE receives $10k grant for community garden revamp
When Faouzi Tahtouh reflects upon being recognized as the Cullen College of Engineering Outstanding Junior for the 2021-22 academic year, he can't help but feel a bit surprised and a bit humbled. “I'm just grateful for it,” he…
Work ethic, faculty key to Outstanding Junior flourishing
According to an updated paper from researchers at Stanford University, 46 past and present professors affiliated with the Cullen College of Engineering are among the Top 2 percent of cited research papers in the world. The…
Paper finds 46 Cullen College professors among Most-Cited