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The American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects (ASIE) has awarded three scholarships for 2021 to students attending the Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston. Each student received a monetary award,…
Three Cullen students awarded ASIE scholarships
Though it is one of the great mysteries of science, the transformation of water into ice often escapes people's minds as it is just assumed that’s what happens. But how and why it happens is the subject of intense scrutiny by ice…
UH Researcher Pushes Limit of When Water Will Freeze
At the first in-person, 50-in-5 celebration event, 116 faculty members were honored at the Wortham House on Monday, Nov. 29. President Renu Khator, Provost Paula Myrick Short and Vice President for Research Amr Elnashai…
Engineering Faculty Celebrated As Part Of 50-in-5 Achievements
As the world embarks upon the energy transition, improved electrification will be key to powering an efficient low carbon global economy. The development of superconductors, materials that can revolutionize the way electricity is…
'Super Cool Conductor' Developed at UH Advances in Prestigious DOE Competition
Nobody would want to drive a car made of a very strong material that shatters in a collision, so the design of materials with high strength as well as high ductility – or less brittleness – has been the holy grail of materials…
Kulkarni, Neffati, Purdue researchers describe new methods for intermetallic strength
A graduate student at the University of Houston is one of two lead co-authors for a paper by the Ryou group about combining the best qualities of semiconductors, to make them cheaper and higher quality. “Flexible single-…
Moradnia co-authors paper on semiconductor improvement
The Cullen College of Engineering is happy to announce that six professors have earned promotions, starting with the fall semester of the 2021-22 academic year. All listed positions are tenured, or on a tenure track. Professors…
Cullen College of Engineering promotes six professors
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to welcome 13 new professors and lecturers for the 2021-22 academic year, as part of its continuing effort to grow the faculty and to provide high quality instruction for undergraduate…
Cullen College of Engineering welcomes 13 new hires
A doctoral graduate of the Cullen College of Engineering's Mechanical Engineering program has taken home another award for a poster presentation, her second while affiliated with the college. Sara Pouladi, a postdoctoral…
Postdoc Pouladi takes home another award
Superconductivity, where electrical resistance vanishes, remains a technology that both powers science and mystifies scientists. It charges MRI scanners, enables new drug discovery through advanced spectroscopy machines, and is…
AMPing Up Delivery of Superconducting Wires
Cunjiang Yu, Ph.D., Bill D. Cook Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston, is reporting the development of a camera with a curvy, adaptable imaging sensor that could improve image quality in…
Using the Ancient Art of Kirigami to Make an Eyeball-like Camera
“Giant Flexoelectricity” Breakthrough in Soft Elastomers Paves Way for Improved Robots and Self-Powered Pacemakers What do the following have in common: a self-powered implanted medical device, a soft human-like robot and how we…
The Powerhouse Future Is Flexoelectric
The University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering is in the Top 15 for several metrics measuring diversity in the field of engineering, including a pair of No. 12 rankings for degrees awarded to Hispanic students and…
Cullen College ranks in Top 12 for two diversity metrics
A four-person team of students at the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering has won a pair of awards for their project – a soft robotics exoskeleton – after presenting at the Excellence in Senior Design…
Student project TrueStep takes 1st at design competition
Three graduate students from the Cullen College of Engineering have received scholarships from the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston (TcSUH), as recognition for their work inside and outside of the…
Three graduate students receive TcSUH scholarships
Jae-Hyun Ryou, Ph.D., an Associate Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering, is the lead author for a new research article describing eye-movement sensors…
Non-Invasive Eye-Movement Sensors Developed by UH's Ryou
The Cullen College of Engineering at the University of Houston and Dr. Joseph W. Tedesco, Ph.D., P.E., the Elizabeth D. Rockwell Endowed Chair and Dean, are pleased to share the 2020-21 Faculty and Student Excellence Award…
23 honored with 2020-21 Faculty and Student Excellence Awards
The Cullen College of Engineering is proud to announce that 21 undergraduate students have been selected for the University of Houston's Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), according to the Honors College. The…
21 Cullen College students receive SURF opportunities
Winning an award can always be an emotional moment for a student, but for University of Houston senior Jose “Javi” Solano, being picked as a 2021 Goldwater Scholar especially resonated. “The Goldwater Scholarship is the most…
 Undergraduate Named 2021 Goldwater Scholar
The University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering and Houston Community College have reached an agreement to offer UH Engineering Academy courses at the HCC Felix Fraga Academic Campus on the east side of Houston on…
UH, HCC partnering on Engineering Academy at Fraga campus